Swinburne Explorers Club

How to join the Explorers Club

So you want to join us? That's great! Membership is free at the moment.

In order to become a member please complete the following steps:

1) Join our group on Facebook:
one of our administrators will approve your request soon.

2) Register as a member of the Explorers Club on the Swinburne Student
Amenities Association (SSAA) website. This step is very important as it ensures
your insurance coverage when you take part in our trips.

If you are not registered on the mySSAA website go to
http://www.myssaa.com.au and click on "Register" in the top right. Enter your
details and click on "Register" at the bottom. For people who are not Swinburne
students at the moment, for example former Swinburne students or people from
other universities (RMIT, Melbourne uni, etc.) please enter "0000000" (seven
zeros) as Student ID.

Then log in with your user name and password that you just created and go to:
On the right hand side in the "Club shortcuts" box click on "Register for this
club (it's free)".

And you are done! As simple as that.

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